Our top sustainable gardening tips and ideas October 11, 2022 We’ve compiled our top sustainable gardening tips and ideas to help our readers create an eco-friendly garden that’ll benefit the planet, local wildlife and their pocket...
Why we should all be planting trees in our gardens September 28, 2022 In this article we’re exploring why we should all be planting trees in our gardens and the team has compiled some of our top planting tips to give them the...
Our favourite eco-friendly plants September 12, 2022 There’s much we can do in our gardens to make a real difference to the environment, and in this post, we want to take a look at some of our...
How do you best conserve water in your garden? September 01, 2022 This month we're tackling the tricky subject of watering your garden during a hosepipe ban. We've seen droughts across much of the UK but there are a number of ways...
What exotic plants can you grow in the UK? July 04, 2022 The Lazy Susan team have selected 5 of our favourite non-invasive exotic plant species you can safely and responsibly grow in the UK.
The latest gardening tools and gadgets for 2022 June 30, 2022 At Lazy Susan we love a bit of tech and we love our gardens, so it should come as no surprise that we love some good gardening tools and gadgets...
How to get your lawn ready for summer June 10, 2022 If your grass is in need of a little TLC, then we’ve got 7 easy to follow steps that you can tackle this weekend to get your lawn ready for...
What flowers to plant in your garden for summer? June 06, 2022 When it comes to deciding what flowers to plant in your garden for summer, our top ten blooms will deliver the vibrant splash of colour you’re looking for.
How to plan a small vegetable plot May 31, 2022 From soil preparation to succession planting, the green-fingered team at Lazy Susan has you covered if you want to know how to plan a small vegetable plot.
The best vegetables to plant for summer April 28, 2022 It is the perfect time of year to look at the best vegetables to plant for summer. We love to grow our own here at Lazy Susan, so we’ve got...
Top tips for attracting wildlife into your garden April 27, 2022 By attracting wildlife into your garden you do not need to compromise on the way your garden looks. A few simple changes can make a world of difference to the...
Our favourite spring-flowering bulbs February 17, 2022 Spring is just around the corner, we’re starting to see the first signs, and it’s got us thinking about our favourite spring-flowering bulbs for UK gardens.