How to restore weathered metal garden furniture June 29, 2020 Maybe you have some rusted, pitted or worn metal garden furniture you want to preserve and repaint? We know aluminium and we know how to restore cast aluminium garden furniture!...
Garden Furniture 101 June 12, 2020 I’ll be honest, I struggled with what to call this article. I knew I wanted it to be a comprehensive overview of all things garden furniture. Initially, it was entitled...
How to Repaint Wooden Garden Furniture April 06, 2020 Instead of replacing we are looking at how to repaint wooden garden furniture so you can give it a new lease of life...
How to clean outdoor furniture chair cushions January 30, 2020 It wont be long until the summer is here so its time to take a look at your outdoor furniture chair cushions... Garden furniture is not cheap and you need...
How to paint your old rattan wicker furniture January 30, 2020 This video from VideoJug and Aspect Maintenance demonstrates how to paint rattan wicker furniture. Beware of unsightly blobs and paint spray! Do it right the first time...
How to clean mould off your wooden garden furniture October 08, 2019 Mould or mildew is a type of fungus that thrives in the UK's damp climate. It loves nothing more than growing on your nice wooden garden furniture. Timber is especially...
Keep your patio furniture secure July 04, 2018 With all the recent sunshine, sales of patio furniture have been on the rise in the UK. The recent Royal wedding and the performances so far by the England football...
The origins of Lazy Susan September 17, 2014 Why are we called Lazy Susan, what is the etymology of the name, the history of the device, and why do we think they're great on our garden furniture?
How to Revive Wooden Outdoor Furniture June 07, 2014 Wooden outdoor furniture can be revived by wiping it clean, sanding it smooth with various grades of sand paper and adding a coat of sealant, followed by a coat of...
How to maintain and clean different types of garden furniture March 05, 2014 We've posted a few bits and pieces over on Facebook etc about cleaning garden furniture over the past couple of weeks. However, what a lot of people don't realise is...
Garden Security: How to keep your garden safe July 07, 2013 At Lazy Susan we sign up to several news services, keeping our eyes peeled on all the latest gardening, patio design, and outdoor furniture related stories. However, we've noticed that...
Why choose cast aluminium outdoor furniture? July 01, 2013 Over the last decade, cast aluminium outdoor furniture has grown to become the go-to material of choice in the UK.