Here at Lazy Susan HQ, the team are looking forward to some well-earned festive rest and relaxation. It has been another fantastic year for us but one of the highlights is always the ongoing work of our Do Some Good charity initiative.
Launched in 2015, our fundraising campaign has so far raised over half a million pounds for some wonderful charities in the UK and overseas.
In 2022 we introduced our Million Pound Challenge, where the team are aiming to raise £1,000,000 for our chosen charities by 2027. This year - by the time we say “goodbye 2024” and “hello 2025” - we'll have donated around £40,000 to some wonderful charity partners old and new.
Throughout this month many of the team will also be volunteering with a local charity and we're hoping to make further donations as part of our office Christmas jumper day.
Our 2024 donation highlights
Thanks to all the incredible photographs of our garden furniture that customers have sent us in 2024, we’ve been able to make generous donations to a host of wonderful charities.
Some of the charity partners we were able to help this year include:
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has been a long-term Do Some Good charity partner.
They are the leading cardiovascular research charity in the UK with the aim of funding research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart and circulatory diseases.
Heart and circulatory diseases remain a major health problem and by supporting the BHF, we are contributing to finding cures and improving the lives of those affected by these conditions.
St Wilfrid's is another charity we’ve had a close association with for several years. Their aim is to provide expert care and support for people living with a life-limiting illness.
They offer a range of services, including inpatient care, day therapy, community nursing, and family support. St Wilfrid’s provides compassionate and expert care to patients and their families during a difficult time.
Our donations are helping their patients manage their symptoms, maintain their independence, and live life to the fullest.
Scope is a leading disability equality charity in England and Wales. They work to change negative attitudes towards disability and to create a fairer society for disabled people.
We’ve made several donations at the request of customers to support their vital work in 2024. By supporting them, we can help create a more inclusive and equitable society for disabled people.
Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales. They provide advice, support, and campaign tirelessly to improve services, raise awareness, and challenge discrimination.
In 2024, we’ve made several donations by supporting Mind, we're making a real difference in the lives of people affected by mental health problems.
Battersea Cats & Dogs Home is one of the UK's oldest and most well-known animal welfare charities. They rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home dogs and cats in need.
Thanks to the photographs submitted by Lazy Susan customers, we were able to make several donations to support their vital work and help to give dogs and cats a second chance at a happy life.
Over 4000 trees planted with Tree Nation

As well as donating to a host of good causes, we now give our customers the option to plant trees too.
We’ve been working with Tree Nation for a few years now and in 2024 we were able to help them plant over 4000 trees, thanks to the wonderful photos submitted by Lazy Susan customers.
Just last month we donated over 1700 Mangrove, Red Mangrove, Rooiwortelboom, True Mangrove trees to the Eden Reforeststation Project in Madagascar.
Prior to the start of the project, the mangrove forests found in this area were severely impacted by deforestation and forest degradation from charcoal production and wood collection for cooking, construction and other purposes.
The Eden Reforestation Project aims to restore Madagascar’s mangroves and upland forests through a large-scale reforestation effort.
This initiative addresses habitat loss, improves biodiversity, and helps combat climate change by restoring this critical ecosystem.
You can follow our journey with Tree Nation here.
Friendship Benches

In the summer of 2023 we introduced our Friendship Bench scheme and as Winnie-the-Pooh so eloquently put it:
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.”
Open to schools or charities, we offered them the opportunity to claim a free garden bench for their communal gardens.
We wanted to encourage people to sit down and talk!
Our Friendship Bench campaign ended in the summer with over £3000 worth of garden benches donated!
Help us to Do Some more Good in 2025

To help raise as much as we can and hit that million-pound target, all you need to do is take some photographs of your new garden furniture looking its best.
Upload the photos via our form, and choose whether you would like to make a donation to a charity or plant some trees.
Here’s to helping us Do Some more Good in 2025,